Process + Criteria
Since 2018 we’ve supported the best founders in the best places.
We strive for an efficient and concise process that respects founder’s time.
Our Investment Criteria
We work with companies headquartered in rural Colorado*. To be blunt, that means if you are not located in rural Colorado, you are not a fit for us.
At least one founder lives in rural Colorado*
Committed to being located in Colorado for at least five years
Seeking first institutional investment or "growth" capital funding
Serving customers well-beyond the company's locality, or is raising funds to scale to customers beyond the company's locality
Not a service based business
Not a real estate based business
*For the purposes of soliciting investment from the Greater Colorado Venture Fund, Rural Colorado is defined as any Colorado county with a population of less than 170K.

Our Process
We aim to deliver yes/no decisions as fast as possible and emphasize establishing a clear and transparent process with founders.
Initial Data Gathering - Deck & Proforma
Intro Call - Is it a potential fit for both parties? If so, we ask for at least a deck and financials.
Partner Call - Deep dive and develop a shared vision of the potential.
Due Diligence - If it’s a fit, we’ll dig deeper and ensure we review the business model, the product itself and the team behind it.
Final Diligence - Reference checks, company docs, customer calls, etc.
Investment Decision - We aim for a decision in roughly 30 days of a Partner Meeting and having all all materials.
As entrepreneurs ourselves, we respect the heck out of what you are doing.
To work with us, send proforma and investment deck to, or complete our interest form.
Collaborating to see the big picture.
Our team, investors, advisors, and partners help make sure we’re always putting our best foot forward.